Meet the Crew




Dynamic Crew Members

Vida Jurcic
Partner | Co-Creative & Design Director CGD, RGD
Vida, a graduate of both Emily Carr and Capilano University, is a hands-on designer and founding partner of Hangar 18. She has sat on numerous design competition juries and panels. In her spare time she plays mandolin and performs in a Morris dance troupe, an artform which involves sticks, ribbons, bells and hankies. When not lecturing Dean, she lectures and mentors design students at the Idea School of Design at Capilano University.
Dean Ponto
Partner | Co-Creative Director & Strategy Lead
Dean, a graduate of Arts Centre in Pasadena USA, has led hundreds of campaigns for regional, national and (likely) galactic clients. He has held several senior creative positions including Creative Director of TBWA/Vancouver. With dozens of industry awards, he’s a well-travelled creative leader, Sci-Fi nerd and master of strategic brand positioning.
Lyndsey Jackson
Business Director + Project Manager
As a BCIT BBA Graduate, Lyndsey brings multi-industry sales and customer service experience to the team. As an account and project manager by day, and fashion designer by night, Lyndsey has a diverse background and portfolio. As dynamic and creative as she is solutions-oriented, Lyndsey will explore all avenues to solve a problem. Then she’ll go home and make you a killer pair of trousers.
Matea Cumpf
Designer + Digital Specialist
Matea is a graduate of the Wilson School of Design’s Graphic Design for Marketing program, as well as from Langara College’s Design Formation multidisciplinary program. Together with her background in sales and customer service, and her skills in image creation and creative solutions, she loves to step outside of her comfort zone. With her foot fidgeting under the table, she is happy and ready to jump into any problem or project.
Strategic Partners
(SF) Special Forces
While the partners are hands-on creatively, each client and problem requires its own unique solution. We at Hangar 18 Design Continuum maintain strong relationships and partnerships with writers, web developers, photographers, illustrators, videographers and printers. Vida and Dean have built up an extensive resource pool from which they can choose the perfect team to bring your project to life. Along with our dynamic crew of print and digital designers, they will give your project the care and attention that will make it stand out from its competitors.